Recover Your Body & Find Yourself

A transformational journey to unleash your true potential through self discovery, surrender and the powerful connection between the body and the mind.

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Elevate Your Well-being.

This transformative 4-week online course empowers you to unlock your true potential and deepen your understanding of the powerful mind-body connection. It invites you to release the past, embrace the present and unveil the future---a canvas where your authentic self awaits.

Course Highlights:
  1. Self-Discovery Questions: Delve into introspective prompts that reveal hidden insights about yourself.
  2. Time for Self-Care: Learn practical strategies to prioritize self-care amidst life’s demands.
  3. Exercises:Cultivate physical vitality through guided workouts and movement.
  4. Journaling:Capture your thoughts, emotions, and growth in a reflective journal.
  5. Rewriting Your Story: Transform limiting beliefs and create a new narrative for your life.

What You'll Learn

Join us on this transformative path to elevate your well-being!



Embarking on a journey of self-discovery, we unravel our true selves—a path often shaped by external perceptions. In Week 1, you’ll unearth valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, triggers, and growth areas. Moreover, you’ll develop a keen awareness of the intricate link between your emotions and behaviors, empowering positive transformations in your life.



Admitting & Declaring

Dive into the impact of your actions and choices on your present circumstances. Cultivate heightened awareness and honesty regarding your motivations and emotions. Discover straightforward techniques to fortify the mind-body connection, revealing the hidden reasons driving change in your life.




Surrendering should never be looked at as a sign of weakness. In fact, it is one of the strongest things you can do for yourself. By surrendering, you are not fighting, hiding or denying the course of your life. You are surrendering to what was and looking forward to change. This week is about letting go of the control your past has had on you and emerging as someone focused on controlling your future. Continuing to implement movement and exercise into your daily routine will continue to help you understand how powerful the mind body connection truly is and positive change will be drawn to you..




This week is all about awakening. As you journey deeper, you've explored the intricate threads that weave your present self. No longer bound by judgement, you've embraced the wisdom of surrendering to your past. You have discovered that self-care is not selfish but essential nourishment and as exercise becomes your ally, seize this week to rewrite your story, shaping a transformative path toward a changed life.


What's Included

A series of progressive self-discovery questions that will help you explore your inner world, uncover your hidden potentials, and align your actions with your values.

A personalized plan that will fit into your busy schedule and help you incorporate exercise and meditation into your daily routine. These practices will boost your physical and mental health, and enhance your self-awareness and mindfulness.

Weekly zoom calls with me, where we will discuss your insights, challenges, and achievements from each week’s questions. You will also receive guidance and feedback on how to proceed with the next week’s questions and plan.

Daily online support via email, chat, or phone, where you can reach out to me anytime you need help, advice, or encouragement.

Guided hypnosis session to reconnect with yourself. This session aims to induce a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus. In this altered state of consciousness, you will explore all that you have learned during the 4 weeks and have a new sense of self-awareness, healing and personal growth.


Donna M

“I hesitated before embarking on any program but something about Beth’s Recover Your Body & Find Yourself spoke to me. I decided to take the leap and invested in this transformative journey. Little did I know that it would alter the course of my life. I hadn’t realized how much I was craving more or that I had even lost a part of myself but now I am on a path that I NEVER thought I would have the courage to be on. Everyone needs a little help sometimes so if you are standing at a crossroads wondering whether to take that step, do yourself a favor and call Beth!

Rebecca C

“I knew Beth when she was teaching boxing classes here on the east coast. I always loved her energy. When I saw what she was doing, I had to check it out. I actually called her just to re-connect but secretly was curious about her program. This by far was one of the BEST THINGS I have EVER done for myself! I am still working with Beth now and that energy that I loved in the past is truly changing my life!

Gina L

“I swore to myself that I didn’t need any help. I am an independent woman and have it all dialed in. Hahahaha….. I met Beth and her story and truth behind this program drew me in. WOW. There is something different about this program. I don’t know what it is or if it is just Beth’s honest approach about understanding women but I am blown away at what I know now and had thought I knew all along. Beth, THANK YOU.

Recover Your Body & Find Yourself

Contact me for your FREE 30 minute consultation to learn more about the program and pricing options.

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Here are 3 Great Reasons


Reason One

You will learn more about yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, values, goals, passions, and interests. This will help you make better choices that align with your true self and increase your happiness and fulfillment.


Reason Two

You will develop skills that can help you cope with challenges and communicate effectively, You will learn how to implement self care into your daily routine which will improve your mental health, relationships, and physical well-being.


Reason Three

You will discover new opportunities to act on your potentials and purposes, and find ways to contribute to the world in a meaningful way. This will give you a sense of direction, motivation, and purpose.

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